In recent years, political landscapes have been changing as both left and right-wing governments that previously embraced progressive “woke” ideologies—centred around LGBT rights and liberal social values—are increasingly being replaced by administrations focused on traditional family values.

The Decline of “Woke” Governments

Across Europe, the Americas, and Australasia, many governments that once championed liberal social policies are seeing electoral defeats. New Zealand’s Labour Party, Spain’s Socialist Party, and Denmark’s Social Democrats have faced significant losses, reflecting a growing disillusionment with policies perceived as disconnected from everyday concerns.

Voters are expressing dissatisfaction with these policies, leading to the election of more conservative governments that prioritize traditional family structures, economic stability, and national sovereignty. This shift is evident in several countries where parties running on platforms promoting traditional values have gained significant ground.

Russia’s Embrace of Traditionalism

Russia, under President Vladimir Putin, has positioned itself as a haven for those disillusioned with the “woke” agenda. In a recent decree, Putin invited people from countries that have embraced progressive ideologies to relocate to Russia, provided they are willing to adopt Russian traditional values. This move is part of Russia’s broader strategy to counter what it sees as the moral and cultural decline of the West.

Putin’s decree highlights a broader trend where nations are actively rejecting the global spread of liberal ideologies in favour of policies that reinforce national identity, traditional values, and social stability. Russia’s stance is resonating with many around the world who are concerned about the perceived erosion of cultural and religious norms.

The Future of Global Politics

As more governments shift toward traditionalism, the global political landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. This trend suggests a growing resistance to “woke” ideologies, with voters increasingly favouring leaders who advocate for policies that align with their cultural and moral values. The world is witnessing a pivotal moment where traditional values are reclaiming prominence, potentially reshaping international relations and domestic policies for years to come.