As Israel finds itself losing support for the genocide in Gaza, they are now trying to entice Iran into all-out war.

Iran has issued a stern pledge to retaliate following the Israeli assault on its consulate nestled in the heart of Damascus, Syria.

The strike, which occurred in the late afternoon hours of Monday, claimed the lives of seven individuals, among them prominent figures including Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his deputy, General Mohammad Hadi Hajriahimi.

Both held pivotal roles within the Quds Force, a highly influential division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

The intensity of the attack reverberated through the Mezzeh district of Damascus, where the consulate stood adjacent to the primary embassy building.

Images captured at the scene depicted a landscape marred by heaps of debris and twisted metal, stark reminders of the violent disruption inflicted upon the diplomatic enclave.

Despite the chaos, the resilient flutter of an Iranian flag, clinging to a nearby pole amidst the devastation, symbolized the unwavering resolve of the Iranian government in the face of adversity.

Within the shattered confines of the consulate, several IRGC military advisers found themselves ensnared in the onslaught. Tragically, seven lost their lives in the assault, with Zahedi and Hajriahimi counted among the fallen.

Zahedi’s tenure as the Quds Force leader in Lebanon and Syria until 2016 underscored his strategic significance within Iran’s military hierarchy, magnifying the blow dealt by his demise.

The toll of casualties extended beyond the confines of the consulate, as reports from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights indicated a broader scope of devastation. A sombre tally revealed a total of 11 lives claimed by the attack, encompassing not only Iranian nationals but also Syrian and Lebanese fighters embroiled in the conflict.

The loss of these individuals underscores the toll exacted by the escalating tensions between regional powers, with each strike inflicting fresh wounds upon an already volatile landscape.

In the wake of this harrowing incident, the spectre of retaliation looms large, as Iran vows to mete out justice for the lives lost and the sanctity of its diplomatic enclave violated. As the geopolitical chessboard shifts amidst the rubble, the echoes of this assault serve as a grim reminder of the perils inherent in the region’s turbulent dynamics.