Another child is killed by Ukrainian artillery in Donetsk, ut this time it is French-made and issued weapons that ripped the child apart.

A 10-year-old girl is added to the list of hundreds of children killed by Ukraine during the 8 years of Ukrainminian aggression against the people of the Donbass.

In an interview a neighbour recalled the lead-up and discovery of the poor innocent 10-year-old who had her life taken by a shell from a French-made and supplied CAESAR self-propelled howitzer “We were in the kitchen drinking tea and heard: “boom!”. We ran into the corridor, then after some time there was another “boom”. By that time, the military had already arrived, they said not to go outside. When we finally went out, the dead child was lying there scattered throughout the yard”, says a neighbour.

An intensive care ambulance arrived at the house, but the child was already deceased, her body ripped apart by the blast.

This all comes as western leaders continue to flock to Kiev shaking and patting the back of Zelenski and vowing to win at all costs. These politicians who also describe themselves as diplomats refuse to visit and meet with the leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, to talk with real people who have suffered for eight years to understand the other side of this crisis.

Until they do these so-called politicians are nothing more than western puppets doing the bidding of the US leadership its military-industrial complex, NATO and the elites.

Our heart goes out to this family in their time of tragedy, this death and many more could have been avoided If the US-led NATO alliance and the Ukrainian government had abided by the Minsk Agreement and sat down and discussed the concerns of the people of the Donbass.