The Australian media have consolidated their efforts in the attempt to pressure the new Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese into going to Kiev to meet the Ukrainian President Zelenski in a show of unity for another democracy.

It is clear when you read or listen to any of the mainstream networks that they have been instructed by the owners of their networks to pressure the Australian government into a meeting with the Ukrainian regime in Kiev this action would further the tensions between Australia and Russia a country that we share the Pacific region with.

Mr Albanese has till now declined to confirm any meeting in Kiev, and in a telephone conversation with his aides within the PMs office, his aides were only willing to say that “The Prime Minister is of the view that dialogue is the best way forward and that he is taking advise on all matters relating to the war in Ukraine.”  

However, if history serves as a guide I’m in no doubt that the newly appointed Prime Minister in charge of a vassal state of the US will to the line.

The mainstream media claims that we must support another democracy like Ukraine and that democracies should stand together. Their comments are for the uneducated naive sponges of mainstream media. As Ukraine is known to be one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. Under the leadership of Zelinski, all opposition parties have been banned any media outlet that questions the Ukrainian stance are banned, and now in Ukraine, the government is trying to implement a law that would see the Russian language banned in all schools, also any person showing support for Russia is to be arrested, and their bank accounts to be seized and already anyone playing Russian music is to be arrested.

Furthermore, it needs to be reiterated that Russia is also a democracy, yes it is a different type of democracy to that in Australia or the UK or in the US but nevertheless, it is a democracy where you have elections and you have opposition parties that run in those elections you have a separation of state and the judiciary and a separation of state and church.

So to those in the mainstream media, my question to you is what defines a democracy? And who defines it?

I’m sure that none of them would be willing to answer that question.